We believe in a plurality of elders who exercise biblical leadership, men who are carefully selected to serve as overseers, or elders, to shepherd the church of God.
Many deacons are chosen to assist the elders in the proper management of church affairs.
Many deacons are chosen to assist the elders in the proper management of church affairs.

Ben Averitt
Lead Pastor | Elder
Ben is the lead Pastor of preaching and vision at Jenks Bible Church. Ben finished his undergraduate work at the University of North Texas and majored in history while earning a minor in philosophy. Following UNT Ben entered the Master of Theology program at Dallas Theological Seminary and earned a Th.M. in pastoral leadership. Ben married his sweetheart in 1992 and is the proud father to five children. Ben came to faith in Jesus Christ in the Fall of 1988. For recreation and a little bodily discipline, Ben enjoys outdoor cycling several times each week.

Matt Harkey
Associate Lead Pastor | Elder
Matt has been amazed at the grace of God since the age of 18, when the Lord granted him repentance from sin and faith in Jesus Christ. With a passion in his heart to teach God's word, Matt graduated from the College of Biblical Studies in 2008, where he earned a B.S. in Christian Leadership. Following graduation, Matt went to Dallas Theological Seminary where he earned a Th.M. in Pastoral Ministries with an emphasis in expository preaching. Matt is the associate lead pastor at Jenks Bible Church. His joyful duty is to teach in the Bible Institute, coordinate worship services, lead a life group, and support his lead pastor in the work of the ministry. Matt is proudly married to his wife, Brachele, and they have four children—Calvin, Charissa, Evangeline, and Elliot.