If you are interested in joining the upcoming class starting on January 15 at 6:30pm on An Exposition of Galatians (click here for syllabus), please fill out the form below
"But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ" (2 Peter 3:18)
Who We Are: The Bible Institute of Jenks Bible Church is a church-based ministry that exists to equip God’s people with a deep and fervent knowledge of God and his Word. This mission we take seriously, because God takes his Word and his peoples’ transformation into the image of his Son seriously. We seek to accomplish this mission by teaching classes at a college or post-college level rigor.
What We Do: The Bible Institute of Jenks Bible Church offers classes that include Bible exposition, systematic theology, practical theology, and more. See syllabi examples below of previous classes in a couple of areas.